Lionheart Church Visual Team Expectations

  • The booth media team is comprised of displaying content through the projector for services on Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday. Content displayed ranges from scriptures, announcements, and videos etc.
  • Please wear a Lionheart T-Shirt when serving.
  • Please pay attention during service. When a scripture or any type of graphics or video needs to be displayed, it should go up immediately. There should not be a delay. We have to be mindful as the audience in the service as well as online follow along with what is displayed on the screen.
  • Please adhere to the schedule. When the schedule is released, you must make sure you are available for your assigned dates. The schedules are done one month at a time.
  • If you cannot serve, please inform your team leader so they can find someone to replace you. Telling us the day of is not acceptable, we understand emergencies happen, but you must let us know in advance.
  • Report times for serving are Wednesday’s at 6:00pm, Saturday’s at 8:00am, and Sunday’s at 9:00am.
  • Our main source of communication is via text message.
  • It is imperative that you respond to messages. Communication is key.
  • With being a member of this team, it is expected for you to be faithful.
  • It is expected for you to be positive and to communicate effectively with members of the team and the team leader.
  • When serving please double check all graphics, sermon notes etc. for spelling errors and that they are formatted correctly. We must check for spelling errors, punctuation etc. on the information we will display through the projector.
  • We must have time to test videos for sound and that it will display correctly.
  • If items are sent to us last minute and you feel that it will not be able to get into the system in a timely manner, please reach out to the team leader.
  • Do not become distracted while serving. Please keep distractions to a minimum such as using your cell phone, conversations etc.
  • While circumstances may happen, please make sure all business such as using the bathroom etc. is done before serving.
  • Please follow all SOP’s and policies for the team. Failure to adhere to the expectations will result in a warning. If behavior is not changed it will result in removal from the team.