1. Faith and Spiritual Life
• How important is your relationship with God to you?
• Do we both believe the Bible is God’s Word and our guide for life?
• How do you feel about being part of a church family (Hebrews 10:25)?
• How will we agree on which church we will attend?
• How do you pray and read the Bible, and will we do this together or separately?
• How will we make decisions based on our faith (Proverbs 3:5-6)?
• How should we handle it if we disagree about something spiritual?
• How do you feel about sharing our faith as a couple?

2. Love and Commitment
• What does love mean to you (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)?
• How will we show love to each other every day (Ephesians 5:25)?
• How will we put our marriage first over other things (Genesis 2:24)?
• How do we plan to forgive each other when we make mistakes (Ephesians 4:32)?
• What do you think it means to stay committed for life (Matthew 19:6)?
• How important is being faithful to each other?
• How will we work through problems together?
• What do you believe your role is in marriage, and what is mine?
• How do we plan to put each other's needs before our own (Philippians 2:3-4)?

3. Communication
• What does honesty and openness in communication mean to you (James 1:19)?
• What’s the best way for us to handle disagreements (Proverbs 15:1)?
• How do you express your feelings, and how can I understand you better?
• How should we give and receive constructive feedback (Ephesians 4:15)?
• How much time do we plan to spend talking and sharing with each other every day?
• How will we make sure we’re on the same page with important decisions?

4. Roles and Responsibilities
• What do you think are the husband’s and wife’s roles in marriage (Ephesians 5:22-25)?
• How will we serve each other and help one another (Mark 10:45)?
• How will we divide household chores?
• How will we make big decisions together (Proverbs 15:22)?
• What are our plans for raising children, if we have any (Proverbs 22:6)?
• How will we balance work, home life, and our time together?

5. Finances
• How will we manage our money together (Proverbs 21:5)?
• How do you feel about tithing, giving and generosity (Malachi 3:10)?
• How do you feel about budgeting and saving (Luke 14:28)?
• What are your feelings about being in debt?
• Who will take care of paying bills and budgeting?
• How will we make sure we use our money wisely (Matthew 6:21)?
• How do you feel about sacrifice and living off one income in order to save money for the future?


6. Children and Parenting
• Do we both want children? If so, how many (Psalm 127:3)?
• Do we want children immediately or after a couple years?
• If we wait how do we feel about birth control?
• How will we raise our children in the ways of the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)?
• How do you feel about discipline and teaching children (Proverbs 13:24)?
• How will we balance time between our marriage and our children?
• How do we handle traditions and family values when raising children?
• Once we have children am I allowed to stay home with the children or will you want me to go to work?
• What if you want me to stay home but I want to go back to work?

7. Intimacy and Affection
• Do you know what the Bible says about physical intimacy in marriage (1 Corinthians 7:3-5)?
• How will we keep romance and affection alive in our marriage (Song of Solomon 1:2)?
• How will we make time for physical closeness even when life gets busy?
• How should we address any concerns about intimacy?
• What are your feelings about oral sex? What if that is something I am uncomfortable with?
• Do you watch pornography?
• Are you a virgin?
• Do you have a problem with us getting physicals and blood work before we get married?

8. Conflict Resolution
• How do we plan to solve conflicts in a godly way (Matthew 18:15)?
• What is the best way to talk about difficult issues?
• How will we make sure anger doesn’t lead to sin (Ephesians 4:26)?
• How will we seek help when we can’t solve a problem ourselves (Proverbs 11:14)?
• Are you quick to forgive or slow to forgive? Do you hold grudges?
• When you are mad with someone how do you treat them? Do you give the silent treatment?

9. Extended Family
• How will we handle relationships with our parents and in-laws (Genesis 2:24)?
• How often will we spend time with extended family?
• How will we set healthy boundaries with family if needed (Mark 3:31-35)?
• How do we plan to celebrate holidays and family traditions?

10. Vision for the Future
• What are our long-term goals as a couple (Amos 3:3)?
• How do we plan to keep God at the center of our marriage (Jeremiah 29:11)?
• How will we handle changes or challenges in our lives together (Ecclesiastes 3:1)?
• How will we keep growing as a couple and as individuals throughout our marriage?
•What happens if you want to move to another state and I don’t?